05 MayThe magazine "Za Rulem" recommends purchasing auto accessories in the Wholesale Centre "Megalight-Auto".
28 December
Dear Partners, on behalf of our team, let us sincerely wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The single biggest party of the year, attended by over 2500 guests, took place at the club "PACHA" MOSCOW on October 30, 2010. There was a large-scale costume ball, "ED HARDY - RUNWAY OF HORROR". Such a huge number of guests was not expected, but the free space was sufficed for everyone. The most bizarre, bold and uninhibited capital's residents celebrated two holidays at once: the most horrible and hilarious holiday of the year - HALLOWEEN and 10 Anniversary of "Megalight-Auto", which sponsored the event.
From August, 25 till August, 29th, 2010 Wholesale Centre "Megalight-Auto" has taken part in 6th International exhibition «Interauto 2010», passing in IEC «Crocus Expo».
We invite you to visit our stand at an exhibition "Interauto 2010"!
On July, 1st, 2010 the company "Megalight-Auto" has opened the new shop of useful accessories "AUTOSTOP"
We invite you to visit our stand at an exhibition
"Electro-2010" which will pass from June, 7 till June, 10th, 2010. -
on May, 15th, 2010 the company "Megalight-Auto" has opened the new shop of useful accessories "AUTOSTOP"
From April, 30th till May, 2nd, 2010 the IVth International Moscow congress of tattooers («Moscow Tattoo Convention 2010») has passed in territory of the All-Russia Exhibition centre.
From April, 15th till April, 18th, 2010 Wholesale Center "Megalight-Auto" has taken part in the The 2nd International exhibition «Moscow Tuning Show», passing in the International Exhibition's Centre «Crocus Expo».